Easy Way to Reupholster a Vintage Soga

This post has been a long time coming!

I am not a expert at this. Basically my only advise is to take things apart and put them back together the same way the best that you can. I did this project really quickly and didn't take as many pics as I should. Sorry!

Here we go. Oh and remember the rule here at Vintage Revivals. Don't you judge my messy house.


First things first you want to take off the trim. Usually it is hot glued down so you can just pull it off. This will reveal a crapload of staples.

Start with the side panels. You know these:





The best way that I found to get the staples out is with a pair of pliers. You grab the fabric and then roll the pliers and it takes them out a lot easier than grabbing it and pulling.


See you roll it like this


Be careful that you don't damage the batting and padding on it. Unless you are not reusing it then go to town.

One its all stripped down it will look like this:


This is the part that you would paint if you are going to do that. I whitewashed mine with my favorite paint ever. Decoart's Gloss Enamel in White. Its really thick and I use it for everything. I just mixed it with some water brushed it on and wiped it off. I did 4 or so layers to get the color that I wanted.

Ok back to the chair. I chose to not take the bottom part off because the cushion is covering it anyway and I was sick of pulling out staples.

THen you are going to lay your fabric out and put your pieces on top of it. I always cut mine a little bit bigger. Especially in a project like this where there is very little sewing. That way you have more "grab" room to pull it tight. The fabric that I used was Gray Courdory (without the stripes.) It was $6.99/ YD (-40% off coupon) I bought 4 yards.


Then you are just going to go back and start with the last piece you took off and put that one on first. When I was doing it there was a lot of finagling to get things tight. I used my air compressor stapler and I really liked it.

This next pic is of the inside of an arm. Can you see how much you have to pull and crap to make it look like an actual chair?


This is how I did the arms,

First you want to tuck and staple your fabric on the inside of the chair (next to the cushion)like the pic above

Start stapling along the edge (you can see in the bottom of the picture what I am talking aobut)


Then you are going to tuck the fabric as you roll it around the arm. Can you see how its not tight yet? That's because the fabric at the back of the arm is not attached yet.


At this point I stapled the bottom of the arm. You want to make sure that the fabric is REALLY tight when you do this. And staple it as evenly and straight as possible. (not like what I did in this pic…)


Then you are going to finish tucking your rolls.

Pull the fabric back as tight as you can and staple the back of the arms.

Then you are going to add the side panel (The first thing that you took off.) I don't have a pic cause I did this step at 2 in the morning and was clearly dilusional at this point)

The you are going to add your trim and tada! You are done! Over all with sewing the cushion and everything I would say this project took me about 2 days.

How to reupholser a chair 065


How to reupholser a chair 069

I am really looking forward to another reupholstery project now that I kind of know how it works! If you have any advice to share please do!!

Love Your Guts

Linking up to Tatertots and Jello


Source: https://vintagerevivals.com/how-to-reupholster-chairi-think/

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